Privacy Policy

Last updated: 03 July, 2024

Introduction, (part of the Jobamax group whose registered office is located at 74 Rue Horace-Bertin, 13005, Marseille, France) in its capacity as data controller, attaches great importance to the protection and respect of your privacy. The purpose of this policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") is to inform you, in accordance with Regulation No. 2016-679 of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation"), of our practices regarding the collection, use and sharing of information that you may provide to us through our website (hereinafter referred to as our "Site") and our platform for connecting startups and advisors (hereinafter referred to as our "Platform").

The purpose of this policy is to inform you about the categories of personal data we collect or hold about you, how we use it, with whom we share it, how we protect it, and the rights you have over your personal data.

What Data Do We Collect?

When using our Site or Platform, you may be required to send us information, some of which may identify you and therefore constitute personal data (hereinafter referred to as "Data"). This is the case when you register on our Platform as a startup or advisor, or when you send us a request via our online contact form.

This information contains the following data:

  • Identification data: your surname, first name, telephone number, e-mail address, and zip code.

  • User account data: your username and password.

  • Browsing data: data we collect when you browse our site, such as date and time of connection and/or browsing, browser type, browser language, and IP address.

  • Professional data: your company name, professional e-mail address, profession, and relevant documents if you are applying for a position with Jobamax via our online contact form.

  • Service data: information related to the consulting services provided or received, such as consultation schedules, feedback, and transaction details.

How Do We Collect Your Data?

We may collect your Data in two ways:

  • Directly: when you visit our Site or register on our Platform;

How Do We Use the Data We Collect?

We use the Data we collect for the purposes described below:

  • Management of contact requests and questions via the contact form: Our legitimate interest.

  • Management of newsletter subscriptions: Our legitimate interest.

  • Management of user accounts: Execution of a contract or pre-contractual measure.

  • Facilitating connections between startups and advisors: Execution of a contract or pre-contractual measure.

  • Maintaining and improving the Site and Platform by managing technical cookies: Our legitimate interest.

  • Improving the Site and Platform, as well as the user experience via the management of audience measurement cookies and advertising cookies: Your consent.

  • Commercial prospecting: Your consent if you are not already a Jobamax customer. Our legitimate interest when you are a Jobamax customer and we offer you products and services similar to those you have already ordered.

When Data is collected, you will be informed whether certain Data is mandatory or optional. Data identified by an asterisk on the collection form is mandatory. Failure to do so may restrict the execution of your request.

Who Are the Recipients of the Data We Collect and for What Purposes Do We Transmit This Data to Them?

4.1 Data Transferred to Public Authorities and/or Bodies

In accordance with the regulations in force, Data may be transferred to the competent authorities upon request, and in particular to public bodies, law enforcement officers, judicial officers, and bodies responsible for debt recovery, exclusively to meet legal obligations, as well as in the case of the search for the perpetrators of offenses committed on the Internet.

4.2 Data Transferred to Third Parties

We work closely with third-party companies who may have access to your Data, and in particular with:

  • Our IT service providers, which we use to host and maintain our Site and Platform;

  • The editors of the solutions we use on our site, whom we use to install cookies and our consent management platform.

We only provide these third parties with the Data they need to perform their services, and we require that they do not use your Data for any other purpose. These third parties will act in accordance with our instructions and will be contractually bound to ensure a level of security and confidentiality of your Data equivalent to our own, as well as to comply with applicable regulations on the protection of personal data.

How Long Do We Keep Your Data?

Your Data will not be kept longer than is strictly necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy, in accordance with the Regulation and applicable laws.

In this respect, Data is kept by Jobamax for the periods indicated below:

  • Management of requests for quotes and questions via the contact form: 3 years from the last contact with the customer.

  • Management of user accounts: Duration of the contractual relationship, 5 years from the end of the contractual relationship, and 10 years for Platform subscription invoices (in accordance with article L.123-22 of the French Commercial Code).

  • Management of newsletter subscriptions: 3 years from the last contact with the customer, unless the right of opposition is exercised before this deadline.

  • Management of internal recruitment: 2 years from the last contact with the candidate. Duration of employment contract with successful candidate is 5 years from the end of the employment contract.

  • Maintenance and improvement of the Site through the management of technical cookies: 6 months for connection traces.

  • Improving the Site and user experience by managing audience measurement and advertising cookies: 25 months for audience measurement data and 13 months for all other data.

  • Your cookie preferences: 6 months.

Your Data is deleted when the retention periods expire. Nevertheless, your Data may be archived beyond the periods provided for the purposes of researching, establishing, and prosecuting criminal offenses, with the sole aim of making your Data available to the judicial authorities where necessary.

Archiving means that your Data will no longer be available for consultation online but will be extracted and stored on an autonomous and secure medium.

How and Where Is Your Data Transferred?

We prefer to use service providers who host your Data in France or, failing that, within the European Union. However, when necessary, your Data may be transferred to service providers operating outside the European Union.

When we transfer your Data outside the European Union, we will always do so in a secure manner:

  • Either by transferring the Data to a recipient located in a country that has been the subject of an adequacy decision by the European Commission certifying that it has a level of protection equivalent to that offered by the Regulation;

  • Or by implementing or having implemented European Standard Contractual Clauses that have been approved by the European Commission as ensuring an adequate level of protection for your Data;

  • Or by resorting to Binding Internal Company Rules validated by the competent data protection authorities;

  • Or by resorting to any appropriate safeguards referred to in Article 46 of the GDPR.

You may have access to a copy or extract of these documents by contacting us at the address mentioned in Article 10 of this Policy.

When we act as subcontractors on behalf of our recruiting clients, the latter may also be located outside the European Union. We implement the same guarantees with our customers, as referred to in Article 46 of the RGPD.

How Is Your Data Protected?

We take the necessary and appropriate technical and organizational measures to prevent unauthorized access to or modification, disclosure, loss or destruction of your Data. To this end, we require our staff and service providers to comply with binding rules on data security and protection (such as confidentiality obligations, the use of encryption and anonymization techniques, the implementation of physical security measures, etc.).

What are your rights regarding your data?

In accordance with applicable laws and regulations on the protection of personal data, you have a number of rights in relation to your Data, namely: - A right of access and information: you have the right to be informed in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible manner of how your Data is processed. You also have the right to obtain (i) confirmation that Data concerning you is being processed and, where appropriate (ii) access to such Data and to obtain a copy thereof. - A right of rectification: you have the right to obtain rectification of inaccurate Data concerning you. You also have the right to complete incomplete Data concerning you, by providing an additional declaration. Should you exercise this right, we undertake to communicate any rectification to all recipients of your Data. - A right of deletion: you have the right to obtain the deletion of your Data. However, this is not an absolute right and we may, in particular due to legal obligations, retain this Data. - A right to the limitation of processing: you have the right to obtain the limitation of processing on your Data. - A right to Data portability: you have the right to receive the Data you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, for your personal use or for transmission to a third party of your choice. This right applies only where the processing of your Data is based on your consent, on a contract or where such processing is carried out by automated means. - A right to object to processing: you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your Data for processing based on our legitimate interest and for commercial prospecting purposes. - The right to withdraw your consent at any time: you may withdraw your consent to the processing of your Data where such processing is based on your consent. - The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority: you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority if you consider that your rights have not been respected. In France, this would be the CNIL. - The right to give instructions concerning the fate of your data after your death: you have the right to give us instructions concerning the use of your Data after your death. To exercise this right, please contact us at If we have any doubts about your identity, we may ask you for proof of identity in order to exercise these rights.

Cookies used on our Site and Platform

When you visit our Site and/or Platform, cookies are placed on your computer, tablet or other terminal. This enables us to analyze page traffic and improve our site. Cookies are used differently depending on their nature and purpose, as described below.

You have the option of accepting or refusing cookies by using the mechanism integrated into the banner, and of modifying your choices at any time by clicking on the "Cookie management" tab in the footer of our Site and Platform.

9.1 What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file deposited on a terminal when a user visits the Site or views an advertisement. The purpose of a cookie is to collect information relating to the user's browsing on the site and to provide personalized services and content.

9.2 What cookies do we use?

Different types of cookies are used on our Site and Platform, for different purposes. Some are necessary to use the Site and Platform, while others are optional, depending on your choices.

a. Strictly necessary technical cookies

These cookies are necessary for the operation of the site. They enable the user to use the main functions of the Site and Platform. Without these cookies, the user cannot use the site normally. These cookies only require the user's consent to be placed on his or her terminal, and do not allow any tracking of the user's browsing. These cookies enable us to:

  • keep track of the user's choice of cookies;

  • authenticate the surfer to a service, including services designed to ensure the security of the authentication mechanism (for example, by limiting robotic or unexpected access attempts);

  • to balance the load of equipment involved in a communication service;

  • to adapt the presentation of the Site and the Platform to the display preferences of the terminal (language used, display resolution, operating system used, etc.) when Internet users visit the site, depending on the equipment and browsers used;

  • to implement security measures.

b. Audience measurement cookies

Audience measurement cookies help us to compile statistics on visitor numbers and the use of the various elements making up the site (sections and content visited, path taken). They enable us to improve the interest and ergonomics of the site. List cookies.

c. Advertising cookies

Advertising cookies enable us to determine which advertisements to display according to the user's browsing habits on our site, in order to limit the number of times an advertisement is displayed, to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, or to adapt advertisements to the user's preferences, if the user has previously accepted this possibility.

d. Social network sharing cookies

We use cookies issued by Facebook (Pixel) and LinkedIn, which offer our web users functionalities enabling them to share editorial or other content published on the site through social networks. These cookies also enable social networks to target their advertising offers. Social network cookies are managed by the publisher of the social network. Internet users are invited to read Meta's cookie management policy:; and LinkedIn's:

9.3 How can you manage cookies?

a. Managing the deposit of third-party cookies

When connecting for the first time, Internet users are informed that your partners and any other identified third parties may deposit cookies via our Site and Platform. Only the sender of a cookie is likely to read the information contained in it, and we have no access to the cookies that third parties may use. The issue and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy policies of these third parties in addition to the provisions of this Policy. Consequently, the Internet user is invited to visit the websites of these third parties for more information on the cookies they store and how the Internet user can manage them.

b. Managing the placement of our cookies

Internet users can manage the placement of cookies as follows:

  • The deposit of strictly necessary technical cookies is activated by default and cannot be deactivated by the Internet user, as these cookies are essential to the operation of the Site and/or Platform;

  • Internet users can deactivate or activate the placement of cookies subject to their consent (audience measurement cookies and advertising cookies) via the information banner displayed when they first log on, or permanently available at the bottom of the page via the "Cookie management" tab. Any deactivation implies the user's refusal to accept the cookie in question.

If you enable cookies to be stored on your terminal, the cookies embedded in the pages and content you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a dedicated area of your terminal. They will only be readable there by the sender. The consent given by the Internet user is valid for a period of six (6) months only, starting from the first deposit in the equipment of the Internet user's terminal, following the latter's consent.

If you disable cookies from being stored on your terminal or browser, or if you delete cookies stored on your terminal or browser, please note that your browsing and experience on the Site or Platform may differ from that of other users who have enabled cookies (non-personalized content). Jobamax declines all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of the Site or Platform resulting from the refusal of cookies by the Internet user.

9.4 To find out more about cookies

Internet users can visit the CNIL website for information on cookies at

Internet users can also visit the Youronlinechoices website, which is run by digital advertising professionals belonging to the European Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA). They can then refuse or accept the cookies used by the companies registered on the platform, in order to adapt the advertising displayed on their terminal, via the following link:


If you have any questions about this policy or any requests relating to your Data, you can contact us by:

- sending an e-mail to the following address:; or

- sending a letter to the following address: JOBAMAX, 74 Rue Horace-Bertin, 13005, Marseille, France.

Version updated on July 3, 2024.